Saturday, January 17, 2015

Entrepreneur Changes Life in Uganda by Turning Waste Into Fuel

Susan Daugherty writes for the National Geographic and in her article discusses a man named Sanga Moses's journey in creating an alternative source of fuel in Uganda.
Generalization- Daugherty assumes that the readers believe that helping to decrease deforestation and recycling is important to the readers.
Analogy-  Sanga compares his ability to attend college and get an education to his sisters situation and he thinks that his sisters only way to make her life better is to get an education and by having to miss school, she was ruining that
Sign- If Sanga's briquettes made of farm waste are used, then the trees are saved and betters the health and educational opportunities of many people
Causality- Sanga Moses was inspired to find a new source of fuel after seeing his sister in distress because she had to miss school to cut and gather wood for their families fire.
Authority- Sanga grew up in that village and therefore experienced the poverty and recognized the deforestation. The writer has credibility because National Geographic has a reputation of being a very reliable source.
Principle- The moral principle is to help the poor and to save the environment in recycling in any way we can. Energy solutions and innovations are important to the world and are a just and moral quest.


  1. Great post! Like the great thinking from the author's perspective. Sounds like a pretty interesting article and I feel I would read it which is great!

  2. Wow, I never was aware of the incredible effects of waste and misuse of materials, and how that increases the burdens of others. The GASCAP elements were all very nicely covered, so great job!
